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Clergy Finding Aids - O'Dell to Ozanne
- O'Dell, William C.
- O'Rourke, Albert A.
- Oatey, Joseph H.
- Odell, Daniel J.
- Odle, Edwin L.
- Odle, Estel J.
- Odlum, George A.
- Oeschger, Harold D.
- Oeschger, Manton E.
- Okrie, Lisa L. (see also Cook, Lisa L. Okrie)
- Oldham, William F.
- Olds, Carmi Clark
- Oldt, Maynard A.
- Oldt, Wesley B.
- Oldt, Wesley Christian
- Oliver, Clayton F.
- Oliver, Edward C.
- Oliver, John B.
- Oliver, Montgomery Carl "Mont"
- Olmstead, George W.
- Olsen, Douglas Karl
- Olsen, Susan D.
- Olson, Carl R.
- Olson, Gilbert Wyman
- Olson, Oscar Thomas
- Omans, Thomas Gifford
- Omansiek, William W.
- Onyett, Clyde V.
- Orth, John H.
- Orwick, John F.
- Osborn, Darrel R.
- Osborn, Samuel A.
- Osborne, Frank L.
- Osborne, George A.
- Osborne, Peter I.
- Osgood, Isaac
- Osmond, Sharyn K. (see also Rush-Osmond, Sharyn K.)
- Ostema, Dale P.
- Osterhout, Donna J. (see also Cartwright, Donna J. Osterhout)
- Ostrander, Lincoln
- Ostrander, Ulysses Grant
- Ostrom, Charles Preston
- Ostroth, Albert
- Ostroth, Delbert Clayton
- Ostroth, Samuel B.
- Oswald, Carl Edward
- Otis, Scott K.
- Ott, Karen S. Knight (see also Knight, Karen S.; Landry, Karen S. Knight; and Price, Karen S. Knight)
- Ott, Louise Rose
- Otter, Ernest L.
- Otto, Edward Frank
- Oughton, Charles R.
- Owen, George W.
- Owens, Spencer Bacon
- Ozanne, Herbert Giles