Lorin M. Bennett

29 July 1828 – 29 March 1912
Conference Cane: 1911
Age at death: 83 years, 8 months

Rev. Lorin M. Bennett

The oldest member of the Michigan Conference was Rev. L.M. Bennett, who passed into the eternal world from his home in Ann Arbor on March 29, 1912. He was in his 84th year, having been born in Cherry Valley, N.Y., 1828. At the age of 19 he was happily converted and from that time it was his purpose to devote his life to the service of the church. He entered Albion College and spent several years in preparation for his life work. Uniting with the conference his first work was among the Indians along the Thornapple river. Bro. Bennett was united in marriage with Charity Smith in Kent County, and together this faithful couple travelled the long life of nearly 57 years. During his ministry the Lord honored his labors with many religious awakenings and greatly blessed his efforts. At the last session of the conference Brother Bennett was presented with the "Conference Cane" but there was only a short time for the use of it and his feet are now treading those streets of gold where weariness is no more and sorrow and sighing flee away.

Simple funeral services were held by Dr. Stalker, in Ann Arbor, and the body was taken to Grand Rapids for interment.

- Michigan Annual Conference minutes of 1912, p. 97

