Thomas M. Mott

Thomas M. Mott

11 June 1857 - 9 November 1950
Conference Cane: 1950
Age at death: 93 years, 4 months

Thomas M. Mott

Thomas M. Mott was born in Franklin, Ontario, June 11, 1857, and died November 9, 1950, in his ninety-fourth year. Sixty-five of those years had been spent in the Christian ministry, all but five of them in the service of the Methodist Church. He began his work in the teaching school when the call came and although he was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church he accepted the call, feeling that the Head of the church was calling.

It was while teaching that he met the young woman who later became his wife. For 63 years they walked life's way together. Mrs. Mott died some few years ago. Three daughters and two sons graced their marriage. One son passed away some two years after his mother. The other members of the family all live in Detroit. One daughter is a nurse, two are teachers in the Detroit School system, the son is a contractor.

Mr. Mott enjoyed good health until two years ago when he accidentally stumbled and fell down a flight of stairs. No bones were broken but he was never as active again and was confined to his room most of the time. The end came suddenly but very serenely.

After his retirement, he associated with the Westlawn Church and was treated with gracious courtesy by the pastors, the late Dr. J. Adolph Halmhuber and Dr. Howard A. Field, and the present pastor, Dr. Benjamin F. Holme. He often spoke of the good will shown him by the members and officials of the church. The many flowers and cards he received were a source of delight to him.

A custom is observed in the Chilean Navy by which a great hero is remembered and honored. Whenever the roll is called on these ships of the navy, the name of Admiral Grau always comes first. Then a man steps out from the ranks, raises his hand in salute and says: "Absent but accounted for; he's with the heroes."

When the name of Thomas M. Mott is called in the memorial service at the 1951 session of the Detrot Conference such a salute would be perfectly in order; "absent but accounted for; he's with the heroes."


- Detroit Annual Conference minutes of 1951, pp. 964-965

