West Michigan Conference Cane

Michigan Conference Methodist Episcopal Church Annual Conference Journal, 1904

From the Minutes of the Michigan Annual Conference, 1904

pp. 24 -25

J. H. Pitezel.—The character of J. H. Pitezel, the oldest superannuated member of this Conference, now residing at Loraine, Ohio, was passed and the Bishop stated that it was desired to present Brother Pitezel a cane as a mark of esteem, and that he not being able to be present. A. J. Eldred. an honored superannuate of this Conference, was requested to receive the cane for him and make suitable reply. George G. Whitworth, a layman of Division Street Methodist Episcopal Church, then addressed the Conference on the work that had been done by the superannuates, and then presented the Conference with a gold headed cane, which he desired the oldest member of the Conference to have, and when he was promoted, it should become the property of the next oldest, and thus be handed down as a mark of esteem for the superannuated members of the Conference. At the close of his address, he handed the cane to the Bishop, who presented it to A. J. Eldred for J. H. Pitezel. A. J. Eldred replied in a characteristic speech, which was followed by remarks from R. C. Crawford, the next oldest superannuate member of this Conference. The Bishop sang "Even Down to Old Age," and made appropriate remarks.

p. 30

Conference Cane.—J. I. Buell presented the following resolution, which was adopted:

" Whereas, Geo. G. Whitworth and wife, of Grand Rapids, have presented to this Conference a valuable gold headed cane, to be in possession of the senior member of this body during his lifetime, and at his death to be handed over to the member who shall become the next in seniority, and thus the succession indefinitely continued;

Therefore, Resolved, That we tender to Brother and Sister Whitworth our sincere thanks for their beautiful and generous gift, and we hereby express the earnest wish that it may be a support to many ministers of the Lord Jesus Christ in the coming years.

J. I. Buell."

West Michigan Conference Cane Recipients

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